Hydraulic Hose System Design: Best Criteria for Quality and Efficiency

Blog | October 27th, 2016

There’s duality in hydraulic systems, just like in everything else. Primarily, rigid tubes are employed as force-transmitting fluid conveyors, but there are situations where pliable tubing is the preferred design choice. A hydraulic hose substitutes flexibility for rigidity. It also dampens frame-propagating vibrations and liberates moving machine sections. Metal lines dominate the main arteries of this relationship, but ductile hose takes over when system flexibility is required.

Hose System Design 

The role of a rigid line is unlikely to be subverted by plastic or rubber anytime soon, for these core tubes handle pressure and dissipate high temperatures better when metallic materials are employed. Still, multiple hose lines enable hydraulic armatures to freely pivot and rotate, which is an important part of any mobile crane’s feature set. In short, if it’s equipped with a moving boom, with outriggers and other moving segments, a pliable bridging tube has to be part of the fluid transmitting system.

Reinforcing Pliable Tubing 

The functions of hydraulic hose are best determined by a material’s flexing characteristics. Unfortunately, flex is an attribute that works in several directions. The ability to effortlessly turn corners and move in concert with a maneuvering boom is obviously beneficial, but the pliable stuff also bulges in response to pressure changes, which is not a desirable trait. This is why engineering standards add armored layers to the stretchy tubing. A fluid-sealed and oil-resistant layer is first. This primary layer is then covered in braided wire or a toughened textile weave, all so that secondary flex can be eliminated. Finally, the top layer of the hose is formed by a polymer that’s immune to the effects of the environment and abrasion.

Analyzing Hose Design Criteria 

Balance is a determining factor in this situation. Essentially, the product uses an internal surface layer that’s rated to carry a specified oil. Next, the wire weave should be robust, but it should also be designed to facilitate repeated flexing. Additionally, the material should discourage the transmission of frame vibration. SAE technical standards govern these materials. The standards assess the minimum radius a flexible hydraulic hose can achieve, plus there are guidelines that assess the product for weathering capabilities, abrasion resistance, and, of course, for overall behavior while under pressure.

Both the couplings and the layers of the hydraulic hose are subject to regulatory assessment. Temperature and pressure handling characteristics top material design measures, with flex properties satisfying mechanical quality and efficiency criteria. Finally, the S.T.A.M.P.E.D acronym simplifies much of this work by coordinating the hose selecting process. The abbreviation stands for Size, Temperature, Application, Material, Pressure, Ends, and Delivery.

Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173

Phone: (03) 9798-6511

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Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Phone: (03) 9798-6511
Address: Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road, Keysborough, Victoria, 3173