Key Components in Filtration and Conditioning of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pumps

Blog | May 15th, 2019

Just like a healthy circulatory system, hydraulic fluids perform more efficiently when they’re cleaned and conditioned. A person feels weary if their kidneys aren’t doing their job. Likewise, an unresponsive mobile hydraulics system can probably blame a fouled-up fluid contaminant. Knowing this, a repair engineer checks the hydraulic oil. If that oily medium is fouled up, then the pump filtration system receives attention before any other fluid-recuperating measure is performed.
Hydraulic Pump Filtration

Suppose the contamination is a mass of foreign particles. The gritty material gets sucked in, yanked through the hydraulic pump, and the damage is done. The grains gum up pump works, abrade moving elements, interfere with low-clearance gaps, and breech seals. Left like this, the pump becomes fatigued and worn. Eventually, the mechanism will fail or a clog will develop. Until then, equipment responsiveness takes a hit. To correct matters, the repair tech checks out the key parts of the various pump filtration and conditioning stages. Situated at the pump inlet, there’s the suction side filter to inspect. Pressure side filters are there, too, only they’re located downstream. As far as system conditioning goes, hydraulic pumps don’t like to process cloudy oil. Mixed with water, the fluid heats up and oxidizes the pump parts. If this is a common problem, a tank desiccant breather should take care of this watery system defiler.
Protecting Pneumatic Pumps

As has been mentioned before, pneumatic pumps don’t just compress air. Along with the air, they compress whatever’s floating in that air. There are suspended bits of invisible dirt, plus tiny droplets of water. They’d pool inside the system receiver if the pneumatic pump wasn’t equipped with a filtration and/or conditioning unit. This time around, since we’re talking about air, there are other options. After coolers and heaters dry out the concentrated and condensed water. Elsewhere, still around the pneumatic pump, there are heat exchangers and filters, which send the trace amounts of collected water to a manual drainage outlet. Finally, there are mechanical conditioners available. Unlike a static filtration unit, an inline separator of this type uses centrifugal force to “spin” out the excess moisture.

There’s a reason why pump filtration solutions have taken centre stage in this post. Fundamentally sensitive to all intrusive elements, pumps can fail catastrophically when they’re impacted by foreign materials. Even water, which isn’t normally thought of as a harsh substance, causes big problems when it penetrates pneumatic or hydraulic pump parts. It’ll corrode the parts or become super-hot. Passing through the pump mechanism, cavitation effects grow until the machinery shakes itself apart. Clearly important, filtration and conditioner solutions in and around the pumps must be maintained regularly.

Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173

Phone: (03) 9798-6511

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Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Phone: (03) 9798-6511
Address: Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road, Keysborough, Victoria, 3173