The Importance of Filtration and Conditioning Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
November 17th, 2016Sealed fluid systems don’t react well to foreign materials within their narrow channels. Even human biology provides clear evidence of this truism, for clogged arteries stop oxygen from circulating. Hydraulic systems adhere to the same principle; they don’t tolerate clogs. That’s why the importance of filtration and conditioning is the topic of our study today. […]
The Crucial Role of Hydraulic Valves in Hydraulic Pumps
November 8th, 2016Hydraulic pumps are tasked with converting mechanical power into fluid energy inside a framework of metal tubes and flexible hoses. As they address this errand, hydraulic valves govern pump action by employing inlet checks. Directional by design, the valves located in and around this pump deserve their own fifteen minutes of fame, right? Hydraulic Valves: […]
Hydraulic Hose System Design: Best Criteria for Quality and Efficiency
October 27th, 2016There’s duality in hydraulic systems, just like in everything else. Primarily, rigid tubes are employed as force-transmitting fluid conveyors, but there are situations where pliable tubing is the preferred design choice. A hydraulic hose substitutes flexibility for rigidity. It also dampens frame-propagating vibrations and liberates moving machine sections. Metal lines dominate the main arteries of […]
Causes and Troubleshooting of Squealing Hydraulic Cylinders
October 14th, 2016The high-pitched mechanical tones of a tortured hydraulic system are often traced back to squealing hydraulic cylinders. A regimented troubleshooting procedure then makes haste to eliminate the noisome wail and determine whether more is going on here. Ask the right questions before jumping in, though, and avoid an unproductive repair experience. Does the squealing happen […]
Calculating Hydraulic Cylinder Efficiency
September 23rd, 2016Engineering mathematics is an intimidating topic, but it can be distilled down to a manageable set of constants and variables when a particular machine is studied. For instance, governed by the laws of fluid dynamics, the ability to calculate hydraulic cylinder efficiency relies primarily on the compressibility of the fluid medium as it relates to […]