If you operate with hydraulic equipment, you understand the significance of well-maintained hydraulic accumulators. It is critical for proper equipment operation and may be severely harmful if something goes wrong. Given their significance, how does one avoid hydraulic accumulator difficulties, and what techniques can you employ to protect your equipment from probable failure? Here’s an overview of your accumulator system’s challenges and remedies.
Understanding The Function Aids in The Prevention Of Future Problems
Hydraulic accumulators store accumulated energy or pressure in a hydraulic system. Incompressible hydraulic fluid and gas are stored inside the accumulator reservoir and are utilised to cushion internal shocks or supplement pressure as needed to guarantee the machine runs smoothly and efficiently. They function as an intermediate between different hydraulic system components to ensure complete operational capability. Accumulators fundamentally manage pressure in a closed hydraulic system, allowing for increased efficiency, better balance, and longer run duration.
Various Types of Hydraulic Accumulators
While several types of accumulators are available, only a handful are employed in the industry today. These distinct sorts occur in various ways to fulfil a range of duties depending on the machinery or tools you’re using:
This hydraulic accumulator system works by pre-charging the internal flexible rubber “bladder” with nitrogen gas pressure to the appropriate parameters based on the type of machinery and the nature of the job. Once charged with potential energy, this bladder helps to balance pressure differences, cushioning unexpected valve closures or the movement and shudder of moving machine parts.
The diaphragm system functions similarly, but it is a one-piece design that provides superior gas and fluid separation, can handle higher pressure, and is often a smaller machine.
Piston With a Spring-Loaded Action
These accumulators operate on a similar concept, but the preloading is accomplished using a spring. These are comparable to the early piston accumulators on vintage machinery and equipment.
Three Common Accumulator Issues
Being such a crucial component of the machinery, it’s no wonder that when something goes wrong, the consequences may be terrible for the machinery’s integrity and the work being performed. Here are three typical hydraulic accumulator issues:
Incorrect Pre-Charge Level
One of the most typical issues with hydraulic accumulators is this. If the pre-charge level is too low, the bladder within the accumulator might be crushed and punctured. This will permanently impair the accumulator’s regular operation. Similarly, if the pressure is too great, the bladder may rupture or tear when squeezed beneath the poppet. With only one minor blip like this, the accumulator function will be severely damaged. In general, piston accumulators are more adaptable to overloading or lower pressure; in either case, you’ll want to prevent this.
Incorrect Compression Ratio
This happens when the diaphragm or bladder is subjected to irregular or extreme compression ratios, drastically reducing the accumulator’s lifespan. The compression ratio may be computed by dividing the complete hydraulic system’s maximum pressure by the accumulator’s pre-charge pressure. If you’re confused about what pressure you’re working with or your equipment isn’t clear about either value – don’t experiment – seek an expert for advice.
Extreme Temperatures
Keeping an eye out for higher-than-average operating temperatures under heavy workloads is critical. Generally, keeping your system temperature below 80 degrees Celsius would be best. If any higher, you should take a break or check for problems. Higher temperatures can have a harmful influence not just on your accumulator but on the overall system generally.
Failure Of a Hydraulic Accumulator And How To Avoid It
Any of the flaws mentioned above can easily lead to accumulator failure. When the bladder is stretched too far, or inappropriate pre-charge levels or compression rates damage it, it might completely shut down. It is costly and perhaps dangerous when your system has hydraulic accumulator difficulties, but your task will eventually be delayed until a replacement is obtained. Avoiding accumulator failure is crucial to ensure continuous, efficient work.
Methods for Extending the Life of an Accumulator
Regular service and maintaining a journal of what is done and when can substantially help technicians with upkeep. Schedule maintenance and checks for all hydraulic systems, and monitor the performance of your accumulator over time if you haven’t previously. Keep your system in excellent working order to get the most out of it.
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