Hydraulic systems are impressive constructs. Arguably speaking, they’re even more sophisticated than an electrical circuit. In point of fact, most modern fluid-based systems include electrical and electronic elements, which either add regulatory control or feedback signals to the equipment. Among that mass of performance-engineered components, hydraulic pressure intensifiers perform their own unique services; they provide high-pressure fluid streams to key equipment assemblies.
An Endpoint-Minded Perspective
When a high-pressure, power-assisted mechano-fluid equipment section requires lots of drive energy, hydraulic pressure intensifiers provide the necessary system oomph. They do so without requiring the fitting of a supplementary power pack or high-pressure pump, so there are fewer additional parts to maintain and service. As a result of that trimmer build, there’s less need for expensive pressurized lines and valves. With an inbuilt pressure on-demand feature and faster response times, intensifiers boost a hydraulic system’s output. From the line pump to the workload, the performance-boosting features map onto every system segment and subsystem assembly.
A Pressure Intensifier Deconstruction
How does this device pull off this performance-boosting feat? Let’s take a peek inside. There’s no magic, just a powerful pump operating inside a robust alloy steel housing. It’s not a run-of-the-mill unit, however. No, there’s a differential piston, which uses a large diameter compression chamber and rod assembly. Keyed to a smaller diameter piston, the reciprocating design creates ratio-increasing fluid output pressure. In other words, as the piston diameter drops on the reciprocating valve, the pressure rises. An inverse proportional pressure principle applies here, one that amplifies the smaller input pressure until it produces the desired output energy.
A Material-Specific Design Process
These reciprocating power intensifiers are easy enough to recognize. Containing massive amounts of pressurized fluid energy, they’re built as unibody cylinders. They’re compact, materially durable, and embedded with high-pressure check valves. That’s how they process thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch. Imagine those kinds of imperially rated stresses expressed in kilopascals; the numbers climb into the six and seven figure digits very quickly indeed. Again, for a superior build, hydraulic pressure intensifiers require a branded processing line. Without these better than average alloys and engineering methods, their lifespans and functions become that much harder to estimate.
When talking about hydraulic pressure intensifiers (aka pressure boosters), the force intensification ratios generated inside these in-line fluid supercharging units can’t be held long unless they’re supported by a tank-like frame. Martensitic steel-reinforced pressure vessels, as built by the finest hydraulics manufacturers, contain that dynamic core. In that central chamber, a twin-diameter reciprocating piston converts size-diminished valve energy into pressurized output force. Essentially, a high-velocity inlet flow stroke converts directly to piston output pressure.
Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173
Phone: (03) 9798-6511
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