A power take off is a device that is often utilised to transfer power from a specific power source to a secondary application. The transfer of power often takes place from a running engine to a piece of specific equipment, which is typically driven by a hydraulic pump, generator, air compressor, and others. Some examples of equipment that can maximise power take off devices are elevators, grain augers, silage blowers, farm equipment, mobile crushing plants, road milling machines.
What makes power take off devices special is that they allow equipment pieces to function without requiring power from an additional engine. The power take off devices alone can likewise supply the needed power of equipment pieces that are not equipped with their own engine or motor.
In choosing the best power take off for your equipment, you should consider the following factors to ensure that it can be effective in the long run.
Torque and Horsepower
Two of the most important factors in choosing the best power take off for your equipment are torque and horsepower. Torque and horsepower can signify the speed and rotation specifications of a power take off device, ensuring that it can match the needed power of equipment. While both elements are often present on the manual of the driven component, they must still be calculated for better performance.
In calculating the horsepower, you must multiply the pump flow in gallons/minute (GPM) and the pump pressure required pounds/inch (PSI) before dividing it by 1,714, which is the conversion factor to yield the hydraulic horsepower.
Once you have obtained the value of your horsepower, you must now multiply it to the RPM rate where both torque and horsepower intersect, which often equates to 5,252. Afterwards, you must divide the obtained value by the RPM rate of the drive shaft of the driven component. The answer to the last formula would be the value of your torque, helping you obtain the best power take off for your equipment. Take note, however, that these equations can only be used for equipment that utilises a hydraulic pump.
Duty Cycle and Operation
Another factor to consider when choosing the best power take off for your equipment is its duty cycles. There are two types of duty cycles that power take off devices may contain. One of these types is the intermittent duty cycle. Those with intermittent duty cycle often last for less than five minutes in any 15-minute period. The other type of duty cycle that power take off may have is the continuous duty cycle. Devices that have a continuous duty cycle often work for more than five minutes in any 15-minute period.
Utilising an intermittent power take off device in a continuous operation would require the division of torque by .70, which could help match the torque requirement for a piece of specific driven equipment. If the power take off device, however, is not designed for continuous operation, then it must be de-rated.
Other factors to consider in choosing the power take off devices are speed and power requirements of the driven equipment, mounting face dimensions, and space allocation. For more information about power take off devices, feel free to contact us at Mobile Hydraulic Specialties.
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