Consider These Hydraulic System Design Constraints On Your Next Project

Blog | November 8th, 2022

When designing a brand-new hydraulic system, there is always a battle between the design needs and the design restrictions. In an ideal world, we could put into action any solution we deem appropriate without worrying about external influences stifling our creative processes. However, in practice, there are always many factors to consider, which puts constraints on virtually every facet of the design of any hydraulic system.

It is always a dance between the needs of the system and the limits on the design, regardless of whether those requirements pertain to physical or power limitations. And every instance is one of a kind because every hydraulic system has to function in a particular setting, in a certain circumstance, frequently in conjunction with other machinery, and within the bounds of an already established operation.

To deliver on the project’s technical needs, it takes a skilled engineering team to design around these limits. In this post, we will discuss our frequent limitations and provide you with a few considerations to keep in mind that will assist you in getting your next design project ready for success.

Space Limitations on Physical Dimensions

Every hydraulic system must be able to fit into a physical area to execute its function. This space can be exceedingly restricted in some circumstances. Deep in a mine, for example, overhead space may be lower than head height. A new expansion to a plant, on the other hand, may need to fit in and around existing gear. Each circumstance is unique, and in certain situations, customised solutions that impact the physical dimensions of the final product must be created. Perhaps the enclosure must be custom-built to a certain design, or the entire system must be made more compact. Modern hydraulic engineering teams employ computer modelling tools to precisely visualise the physical shape that the system will take. These modelling applications are also useful for detecting possible problem areas, such as hydraulic hose routeing issues, or optimising the arrangement of components like pumps and motors for ease of access.

Power Limitations Onsite

Concerning the previous point, you may need to evaluate how much power may be pulled from on-site generators, which must power numerous more systems. When power is restricted, the size of motors, pumps, and other components that may be considered may be constrained. This is where experience comes into play, and imaginative solutions may be required to satisfy the system’s technical needs while remaining within power constraints.

Energy Efficiency

Efficiency in energy use is not only essential from an environmental point of view; it is also a significant factor in the system’s total cost of ownership throughout its lifetime. Therefore, it is always a good idea, to begin with, to include efficiency targets in mind in the design brief. This is because it may influence decisions such as the type of energy-efficient motors, the size and number of pumps, and other variables that can influence the energy demands of the system both when it is idle and when it is under peak load.


Access to the site’s various utilities should also be taken into account. Again, every situation is unique, and in remote areas, factors like access to electricity may play a role in determining where the unit may be placed. This, in turn, may affect the length of pipe runs necessary to link the system to the machinery with which it is required to function. Not only does any of this affect needs that are immediately apparent, such as the length of the hose, but it may also require many compensations to be made to other components of the system. It’s never going to be as easy as it looks.

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Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173

Phone: (03) 9798-6511

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Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Phone: (03) 9798-6511
Address: Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road, Keysborough, Victoria, 3173