All About Rineer Hydraulic Vane Motors

Blog | June 15th, 2017

Rineer hydraulic vane motors use a special proprietary vane-crossing design to generate torque. Installed in a hydraulic system, the device echoes the layout of a standard electrical motor, except there are no wires or magnetic poles in the hardened housing, just a mechanical stator and a mounted rotating assembly. Beyond these similarities, Rineer’s unique approach to hydraulic motor design is all about the vanes, the spring-loaded paddles that provide fluid displacement power.

Demystifying The Vane-Crossed Architecture

Like any standard rotary motor, there are stators and rotors at work inside a Rineer vane motor. That stator is ringed with sealing vanes. It functions as the second half of a power conversion mechanism, a device that works with bi-directional power transmitting impetus to produce high-torque, low-speed performance. Basically, the rotating “working vanes” are designed to interact with the stator sealing vanes so that fluid power is converted into variable torque.

A Patented Port Construct

The stator deserves a closer look. In this outermost member, there are a number of specially cut ports and transverse openings. The holes pass through the stator, but the transverse channels cut across from these ports towards the inner workings of the hydraulic motor. When oil enters a port, it’s funnelled towards the working vanes, at which point a spring-loaded blade impels the rotor to turn. The differential pressure created by the oil now passes over to the next external port, and so on until the motor is turning at its rated velocity.

Designed for Versatile Drive Operations 

A short ways back, we outlined the high-torque, low-velocity configuration of a Rineer hydraulic vane motor. That feature is accurate, but this device has more to offer. Capable of operating at higher speeds, the motor is built to suit countless applications. Equipped with approximately fifty different displacement configurations, four frame capacities, and numerous shafted profiles, this is a hydraulic device that adapts readily to any operational setup. Indeed, due to the peerless power-to-weight ratio, the tightly arrayed stator ports, and the patented vane-crossing architecture, the Rineer van motor is typically marketed as a smaller solution for large-scale hydraulic roles.

Versatility is the major feature that orbits around the patented vane crossing core of a Rineer hydraulic vane motor. Versatility exists in the splined and tapered shaft types, the variable speed capabilities, and start/stop stall resistance feature. From there, the optimised power-to-weight ratio takes over and ensures maximum performance, so the fluid motor is as load flexible as it is feature-versatile.

Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road
Keysborough, Victoria, 3173

Phone: (03) 9798-6511

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Mobile Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd

Phone: (03) 9798-6511
Address: Factory 89, 38-40 Popes Road, Keysborough, Victoria, 3173